the clement twins, 8-year old sensations in the instagram age. 

secret doors, entrances, plans. does cheating eat away at the fabric of our comfort blanket? can the minor thoughts or insignificant glances chip away at what was once a strong foundation and begin the erosion that seems inevitable. a slippery slope forms when man begins to play with fire, when he test the edge, when the thought appears. it always begins with a thought. is looking at images just as bad, isnt it our own justification that draw the imaginary fence that keeps us roped in. we can justify anything, and limit everything else. what is permissible is only for us to define when we get out school and enter adulthood. there is no one telling you what to do anymore.

 Matthew 5:28- But I can guarantee that whoever looks with lust at a woman has already committed adultery in his heart.

beginning with our first eye-opening moments, we were sold. bodies swinging from side to side, the smell of love and youth in the air, nowhere to be or go, it was all right there. lost in the moment, time seemed to bend, the moments no longer separate but one long moment of joy. we always fall apart, go back to our core feelings, our physical attachment for joy, acceptance, pleasure. seeking the opposite of pain, emotionally we cling to anything that feels good. we yearn for glances of acceptance, companionship and relationships in an otherwise cold and fractured landscape. the volume increases, the waves come back, once again lost in a temporary feeling of pleasure we wish would not leave us.