its amazing how the body works. how if you break a bone, your muscles will freeze so to secure the area and not allow you to move therefore preventing further injury. how when a virus comes into us, pain and fever arise, to warn you and aches and tiredness descend to keep you in bed. such a complicated system that works so well.

the body also prepares us for when we want to go. it weakens, makes life not so pleasant. discomfort arises so you are ready to let go. if you felt like a teenager, you would not be ready, so the body beats you up in its preparation. it weaves feelings of tiredness into you so you rest more, allowing your body to focus on fighting or healing the things going on inside.

we start in the hospital, clueless and confused, in diapers we go since we cannot control our own bladders. we grow from there, enter the odd years of teenagers where at a certain point we grow so annoyed with our parents, and them with us, where it is now time to leave the nest. then our twenties and thirties, we feel our best, we achieve most of the things that will help define us in our lives. our 40s are a struggle, the middle, unsure of where we stand as we are not young nor old, our ego gets in the way and our bodies are starting to grow old. the 50s and 60s are the good times again, a bit more secure and not caring so much, like the times of our 20s and 30s, if still healthy and have money, these are good years i hear. our 70s find us insecure again, kind of wanting to move home or be taken care of, purpura spots appear much like the acne of our youth. any older and our hair falls out, the diapers are put back on and we find ourselves back in the hospital. confused, crying and ready to be put back into nothing, where it all began.