ai weiwei writing freedom with light

Dreaming of that perfect home by the sun
Still dreaming of that perfect home by the sun
Run, Christian, Run

be yourself. be your best self. dont upset others, be kind to strangers and to the ones you know, be straight and speak what is on your mind but pause if it will have effects other then beneficial ones. play when you can find time too, eat when your hungry but try to find healthy items to put into your body. drink less alcohol, realize you have a clear choice between enjoying the morning or the evening, not all the time but most. and what is enjoyment other then the avoidance of the mundane and pain. flirt, create new sentences, construct your language in ways unknown to the listener, find ways to say the same things but different. pause. observe. notice the changing world around you. see the good, stand on the other person’s point of view, don’t be selfish, dont over consume, dont horde, give away. give it all away. share in the wealth and experiences. praise others. praise yourself, take care of flowers, carry a bag with you so that you dont need to contribute to the plastics problem.

pretend that this is the last day. your last final bow to the audience. the dress rehearsals are over, the show has been running and it is time to give one last act. how would you do it? who would you see, what would you say and where would you go? what to eat if it is the last meal, who to share it with? create these scenarios in your mind, do something that scares you, the consequences if it is not is insignificant but the repercussions of doing exactly what you want could be enormous. remember, to truly find happiness do the things you always say you would like to do.

pretend you could grasp it. but be careful of achieving those things are possible, everything is two sided and the consequences of achieving each thing is real and everything has another side to it. success will eat away at your time, fame will have you running for cover and fortune will make you even more aware that the trap of money increases with the bank account. we yearn for more and more unaware of the countless things we have and leave behind in pursuit of the greener prairies. the fields just on the other side of the horizon are what we want, the neighbors wife, the other persons position, the newest thing, only to achieve it and realize that the shiny past was where it was at.

with freedom and youth we were never better off then before.