at a certain point in life, you act in certain ways. there was a time in your life when you went to kids birthday parties, bar-mitzvahs…later on there will be funerals and childrens birthday again. during all these moments, our taste and joy also evolve. at certain points we like quiet times, or taking naps (both old and young) our food taste change, as do our taste in friends and in jokes, we change in so many ways even though we feel as they we stay the same.

we evolve, like those creatures coming out of water onto land, in the start we are innocent. we react naturally to things, thoughts and paths are not forged yet. we tend to stay close to home, eating soft things that were of our world before. in time, as we grow teeth, we venture a bit further. we try different diets, we leave home. we find a space or a place finds us, a new family develops, we start a new home. for others, we go back or stay close to the nest, each time reacting to different set of norms and experiences. our mind keeps moving, certain things tend to go right and we start repeating these habits. reactions happen around us. we cause laughter or create misfortune, much decided by our fates and families, repeating good or bad as the weather changes the days and our surrounding. we find ourselves in an audience of our peers, defending or leading or following a life that was both waiting or resisting our place in it. all the time the parties, naps and funerals progress. we dress up, we hold our tongue or speak, leaders lead and we all march towards our finale.

it comes at different times in all our lives. sometimes it was in high-school-catching a football or scoring a perfect grade, others came in college or underneath a bridge-making out with our dream date or seeing a shooting star. the moment you saw your wife, or heard your baby utter its first word. this was the crescendo. after and before it was leading up to this. all those awkward moments and boring days were the moments where we were awaiting it all. hard to tell where you are in it all, if its past or laying in the future, but does it matter to the flower if you are the petal or the stalk? a large oak tree or a daylily know very little difference in their life, even in one blooms for one day and one lives centuries.

those moments