a brief of todays thoughts.

setting the stage.

been on the road, unable to write, post. the amount of life out there is overwhelming, teaming with everyone whose center of the world revolves around them. so many i’s, woes, wisdom, anxiety and dreams. people in pursuit of everything, acceptance and direction at the forefront after basic needs are taken care of. a cat and mouse game played by billionaires and millionaires trickle down to the department stores on every level ensuring that the ever evolving rat race never ends. the theatrics of politics and bright advertising boards scream for our attention in mega-cities that offer an infinity of vices and scope for those willing to dig for it.

a wonderful world, teaming with drug-resistant bacteria and end-of-the-world scenarios that show us to seize the day and take nothing for granted. overproliferation of everything, our emotions screaming out to get noticed while we dumb down ourselves in tv series and water cooler banter if only to get a grasp of some part of it. i focus on the breath, i chase after the ball, if only for a second to quiet the mind a few minutes and stop the ever growing monkey mind that is taking over.

back on the fluids i go, three meals a day and a rush to the pursuit of more things, memories, money and a hope to understand it all and avoid catastrophe. another quarter in the machine, each one of us playing with such intensity, such a desire to win even knowing the game is fixed and we are simply going around in circles. two meters i sleep in each night, three meals a day. nothing changes if only for the surroundings, the weather comes in, the water rolls out, people shuffling into the set if only for brief periods to drop a line and come in for a hug, this play of i goes on, if only to entertain the single viewer in all 360 degree color and surround sound of life i and only i get to see.

  1. Unknown

    May 3, 2019 7:12 am

    am i the single viewer?

  2. brent b.

    May 6, 2019 11:23 am

    is this mark?

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