Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. – Carl Jung.

its not the amount. it comes down to being present. by adding to the quality of what you are doing. the words that you speak. the details of the plan. this is what will make a difference. a walk around the block, at the right time, in the right frame of mind, is enough to see angels and feel like you have seen the world, when taken in the right way.

to listen. to be present. it is enough. how much does not matter. the here, the feelings and reactions of others and the area around you. in either side, both up and down, the view of it all, the sounds, the fact you can experience and with feelings and memories.

be nice. hold back your urges. stay present. play the games with others and dont care if you lose, for the joy of others to win is another joy. and play the games, dance and dont be afraid to step in, the feelings are created by participating. and listen. watch. then smile. marvel at it all. if not, find a cosy place and take a nap.

i tell myself. i tell myself. i tell myself.