Tell all the Truth but tell it slant. -Emily Dickinson

should we always tell the truth? and if the answer is yes, if you withhold something from someone is that the same as lying…the answer to these problems lie in your path of climbing an imaginary mountain. in one way, you could ascend the trail, work hard and go straight to the top. the trip will be exhausting, but the view from the peak will be magnificent. the second choice is to take the cable-car up the mountain. it is an easy ride, it will allow you to take in the view even before you get near the top. but the reward will be less then the man who climbed up the face, and you might end up feeling a bit of a let down in how you got there.

but its so much easier to bend the story. to tell everyone your fine when you are far from it. to leave out some information or stress others. its done all the time, our social media accounts are full of the rosy stuff, not many words about the rest of life, unless we are complaining to those who are closest. our news tends to trend the other way, show all the negative with none of the positive. in some ways this is also lying.

perhaps there is no such thing as truths, just perspectives on things. i have begun to question the direction of things recently. wondering if it is better to keep with the santa claus and christmas gifts or fess up and realize that it was our parents wrapping the presents all along. these truths we aim for will at some point also collapse the stories we have weaved together for so long. the thing we fall into, without its magic and colorful embellishments are stories and holes i am not sure we care to fall into.