the stories are better if you believe. the idea that you go to heaven, can hang out with your lost friends and family members, you can play a harp. it also providess you have some rules to go by, the ten commandments to keep you in line. community, support groups, free fare, it helps with the tribe vibe. it makes for good songs, it provides someone to blame or praise or event to talk too. it creates holidays, gives us santa instead of our parents in their pajamas.

but like everything else, it has two sides. at times people use it to scare others, with a heaven there is a hell and if you are not careful you can slip into it. with the cloak of god people can do awful actions, taking advantage of the weak and young, hiding under the guise of good to be bad. it separates some, can cause a clear situation of us versus them and has lead to much destruction and pain in the past.

moderation is the best. having a bit of a belief works welll when you try to explain this complex thing we call life. if in the end, we simply go back to nothingness…into a dark sleep…a bit dull. there are some beautiful spaces that feel holy that has been built in the name of god, and with strong principles and values as a society we can empathise and have more compassion for our fellow neighbors. with all its shortcomings, i still prefer the made up stories and nonsense then the stark reality that is probably the truth to it all.