in me pours the meds. a concoction of boosters coupled with supplements to supplement the supplements. i drink water to help flush them out, also advice from the doctors who have proscribed them. each pill taken with a belief that an infusion of a compound will rid me of the perils of my illness. odd things happen in response, the mind becomes fuzzy, physically I start to resemble a patient…it is either healing or dying going on…either way something is changing.

and change is constant. with time the body will change as will everything else. your relationships with others will shift, along with the weather storms will come and you will be unsure if the few drips of water in the sky is the start or the end to a storm . with each change, part of what was once there disappears and is replaced with something new or not replaced at all. facades and storefronts constantly rotating, cells dying, friends coming and going, its hard to keep up.

all there is left is the passage of time. with each calendar day behind us our expiration date inches a bit closer. at some time the music will stop, the lights will dim and we will give way for the next actor in line. dance they will, much like we did, to a tune that is defined by the orchestra of life being pounded from all sides. in outfits they will dress, on the stage they will shine or fall, the only sure thing is that others are there to take their place when they exit left.