its is all ephemeral. the sounds, the feelings, the thoughts. to know this helps a bit as we struggle with the now and here and with the then. it makes things relatively better. it also allows you to reconcile that the end will also come and that too will pass.

quantity over quality, these two measurements play out each day for us as we struggle to balance our paychecks and preserve our health. either one does not often feel like you have won. the most donuts consumed, the most wives married, the most days lived. if today is the eternity, i do not want it to last forever but to have been interesting. the best also leaves little to the soul, a fancy dinner where the main entry is a small bit of strong flavor wrapped in bubbles and served on an oversized plate will leave you yearning for more. to have been scared a bit, excited and perhaps even saddened a few times a day. you do not want the day to pass you like a stranger in the street, you want the date to remember and the feeling to be strong. most of the time.

as you put these days together you start to realise that an new formula has started. your days are now weeks, and within those weeks youll want strong days you can remember and others will not be so memorable. as the weeks stretch to years the components change again, evening out so that the length of the period you are thinking about has a healthy mixture of quantity and quality.

at any point these measures stop and another game commences. one that like sleep brings you into another world or idea. no longer racing on time and unaware of quality, new variables set in like light and dark and feelings and no feelings. consciousness and sleep wrestle like all other constraints. the tide comes in and out again. all a game it and was, going in circles on a board.