So its here, within it a chance of renewal or waste. We could spend it on news sites, listening to the endless bickering of old men attempting to hold onto something slipping through their hands. You could help a stranger out, leave money in odd places knowing that it will be found by someone and create an odd sense of luck. Write a letter, call a loved one, cut down on the clutter in your address book or grow new bridges with the ones you decide to keep.

In each moment change is abreast. Light from outside moves from the soft colors of the morning hours to the harshness of mid-day. the temperature rises along with it, each minute moving along never to come back, what happens now will forever be behind and what comes is unknown and impossible to predict. do with it what you wish but know that what you are doing is what it is. and be mindful, as a post that caught the attention this morning states—

or you can be angry. curse the clouds and your misfortune. you could look in lust at others lives, pretend that the other side of the fence is all green with no dirt below. you could fester in regret, wishing on a past that in no way can be changed. you could pretend that the suffering is not happening universally and that you deserve more violins playing for you, more time in the ear of others, more sympathy then others. you could look for what you dont have instead of what you have. this choice is yours to make, each and every day you open your eyes and span the days left in your life.

or is it a choice? that with the ease of a decision we could go about having a good day…i tend to believe we have at best a fifty percent chance in it. we wake up in a bad mood, or we have a situation or chemical imbalance that brings about a certain taste that you cant wash out. try as we may, to tell someone sad to be happy is a fleeting attempt at luck. we know where we should be, but situations that are playing out around us colour it differently. the noise comes from within and from out, best to find something else to focus on, like leaving small random gifts to others, anything to get you out of your own mind.