i wonder what mask the people i encounter are wearing. what they are not telling me when i talk to them, what their concerns or convictions might be. you can see breaks in character from time to time, usually at the end of the day or over a few drinks, a bit of the real person comes through. other then that, people put on this act of toughness, or girliness, or indifference as they go about their day. as time progresses, they get more comfortable with their role, and society accepts them for this.

what mask do i wear as i encounter the world. i imagine one of not caring, acting like the day matters the most while knowing the future awaits. i act in self interest like others, but pretend to put others forward…but this attemption has roots to reality. i do want others to go first, although i dont want to be stuck in the back of the line. i want others to have cake, to stand on their own, and to grow and i try at best to act in this respect. i feel i wear my mask less with my family, and i think this cause unnecessary stress. best to keep the character going when i get home.

mask wearing is breeded into us. from years of school, parents snapping at you to act a certain way and society creating laws and regulations, we have to conform to a certain type. we can still act your own way, but best to keep it covered like a tattoo that is conspicuously hidden. we tend to acclimate to our surroundings which is why we gravitate to those of us similar in culture, race and background. we group. although looking different, we act the same and this allows for each character to know their surroundings and keep acting out the story they are in. perhaps we become the mask, ourselves falling further behind the illusions we playout each day on stage.