no real issues. in comparison to the average Gambian family of 13.5 kids, my life is simple. friends, great travels and epic parties have littered my past in a field of dreams. a loving wife and no ex-wives to speak of. financially stable, physically ok, my two legs work just as well as my arms and i should count that simple blessing each and every day. i owe nothing and fear little as i set off each day in a foreign land i have adopted as my own. i am happy.

yet each day the dark grabs me away. occupying the mind are irritants and irregularities of the day to day. gone am i counting the blessings but instead staring at the wrinkles, wondering what i could have been or done better. we tend do this, its in our dna. some sort of mechanism that is supposed to make us stronger, but like most things they can be forgotten if you are mindful that they are simply thoughts coming in the monkey mind just like these words you are reading. you choose neither, the thoughts or my next w….

wake up. tomorrow will come and should be a bit like today. variants will appear. focus on the here and now, the positive. its there, in the legs that carry you around and the eyes that allow you to view so much. its in the air you can breathe, the food you can taste and the in-between moments and thoughts not shadowed by an evolutionary trait that bogs down what should be an enjoyable and easy ride. its in your friends, your family and the epic parties that still wait and places yet unexplored.