have faith

such is the way of the world, too fast to hold. change gallops towards us, only the foolish hold onto the times bygone, the chances that could have been. to look back is only useful if you are intending to go there. pick a star, aim towards the heavens and get there. you will find yourself falling short a bit, but you will get closer then you thought and wonder what you choose. our lives are for the living.

each day holds a chance of happiness or sadness. the choice falls a bit on our interpretation of what is going on, a bit with the way luck spins and how much you are prepared to deal with the chances that unfold. they will come with two sides, challenges and opportunities. each come with risk and rewards. our view of a bad day or a good day starts with our thoughts on it, it then moves forward with our words. If you are complaining all the time you are not going to feel good.

it also helps not to dwell. keeping busy, the mind and the body, allows you no time to ponder. there are countless people to reach out to, projects that need starting and finishing, things needing improvement, needing to clean and to improve. there are goals to make and keep. politics to play in, groups to galvanize and gestures to work on. jokes to remember, books to read, stars to gaze in a poetry to write. keep busy in the myriad of choices given to you in this brief encounter.