be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle.

people are sad. suffering multiple fronts both psychologically and also physically. they try to pretend that they are not going through it-acting in multiple manners, drinking or simply striking out at others around them. when you come across someone cross or rude, understand the reason they are in that way, feel empathy for the pain they are going through. like an abused dog, the lashing out they are doing is simply because they have been tortured or, more pertinent, tortured at the moment. sadness and fear spread across the world, programmed in the news and always in the back of the faces and smiles that are all around is a fragility that permeates the conscious of endless souls.

words hurt . they strike in a different way then physical blows, to our soul, our emotions, pain in the mind, in our hearts. we are all fragile, we like compliments and do not want to be criticised, in particular by our loved ones.

compliment more, bite your tongue if you have something negative to say, frame the conversation in such a way as the effort is constructive. if you have something bad to say, hold it back, the same way that you try to look good, work productive and make the things in your life as nice as possible, allow your words to follow the same path.

it is so much better to be nice.