jeana turner, the alien look is the next model look 

there is a place, between excess and hunger, before the room spins but beyond the complimentary glass of water, where we want to be. neither hungry or full, a state of bliss that we run into from time to time in this trip of life. its hard to find, like most obvious things the moment you begin to look for it the object hides in plain view.

we are already there. you will never get any younger, money will not solve any more of your worries and fame is not only fleeting but frustrating in a world where you are also trying to make out an understanding of it all. in our own selves we walk around, make up decisions and follow rules made up by the confines of the situations we care to inject ourselves in. cultures persist in an attempt to bridge the gap of an unknown tomorrow with a forgotten yesterday. when we have woken up, it is neither comforting or upsetting, only another phase in calendar that is one day not going to have any more pages in it.

so enjoy. find those moments where things go along without any bumps. those quiet moments where the sound of failure is too far away to hear. if you are not suffering then you should be smiling. it is so hard: the elements, the situations, fear and fleet fulness of it all makes it seem so fragile. the answer to it all is that it is circular, we come into it with nothing but fear and confusion and will exit it with the same wonder. in between, moments of calm and clarity come and go, pieces of clothing and structures heat us and make you feel that there is something else there. friends, family, your pets, these are real comforts in a journey of countless days and fleeting nights.

Well I would swim but the river is so wide 
And I’m scared I won’t make it to the other side …