something will go wrong. as with every game, riddle, program, there has to be a problem. peace drives us mad, we are not adapted to deal with nothing. from a young age we practice at solving problems, we go together, on mass to places where teachers present us with problems and we solve them. we take test to answer complex riddles, we are constantly trying to improve things. if there are no problems we will create one. its in our nature.

so in a day and age where problems seem to be percolating at every angle, it makes sense to thank our luck. what a chance to see the silver lining. to enjoy the days we have, to really be part of a game of survival and to count ourselves lucky for everything we have. with fires burning and viruses growing what keeps them at bay? why does it spares some and not others and why the feeling of blessed does not take hold? what will it take to feel the way we are supposed too. why do we not get out of bed singing about how great things are?

when friends cheer at sporting events I feel a tinge of envy for their enthusiasm. to care so much for a game that is playing before them, to truly care if one team moves the ball forward or scores points, to yell out loud in victory. to be able to participate at that level is where the idiot wins this race. to be happy with happiness, to see each day anew, each sunrise with excitement, each challenge with enthusiasm. to participate in the stories, the events, to remember that each day is a blessing and at any moment it will end, either by fires or rising waters, but end it will. oh to be able to fake it, to be able to enjoy the simple things and to really get that its all so precious.