its poignant. as we ravage the earth, the earth ravages us. with extinction of species and rising temperatures of the planet our own bodies have begun falling ill. and as fires rage, our own homes, parks and lands burn with it. connected, we should learn not to piss where we drink, and we drink from it all. we seem to be inching towards something, a bit of a reckoning of our doing, the drums seem to be getting louder.

but what will come of it and what should we learn. as time moves forward a dark circle will appear in the ring of a tree, noticed only when it falls, in contrast to the white circle of the year before. what was significant to us will mean little in the future, like us looking backwards. so many things are happening all at once, fires, locust, pandemics, our politics are particularly poisoned in days where populism replace truth and integrity, we only care about ourselves and are lost in this new age of interconnectedness.

should it pause we will continue to go about our lives as if nothing is the matter. species and forest disappearing mean little to us while we focus on our own issues and predicaments. each person overwhelmed with their own priorities and stories, others rage in the forest, poison the lands and spray pesticides while injecting the cattle and pigs with pharmaceuticals. we have ravaged the tree of knowledge, leaving little to the imagination the outcome is sure to hurt. like a bender, a response of equal and or greater push is coming, be prepared to accept it.