its always in the future. we strive so much for it, forgetting everything in its way. the path is simply for getting to a destination that we arrive at and dont know what to do when we get there, normally pivoting for the next monument. we watch the market, pretending our wealth is going up and down in a series of colors and symbols while never truly enjoying the money we have at hand. we imagine a tomorrow without todays issues, sunsets without smog, change without effort.

its the things not at hand that makes the idea of them so alluring. the ones sitting at other tables, other stuff that has yet to find its way into our homes, other ideas, other friends. from a young age when we became fixated on other kids toys, this idea that the grass is always greener marries well into tomorrow will be a great day. two things that we do not have in hand, that we cannot complain about as we yet to hold it. things that we dont have, those are what we want. days that have yet come, those are the good ones, and those of yesterday were also not bad. today, well its a wash.

the question of today or tomorrow comes back to quantity over quality. do we simply want more of everything, with never focusing on what we have today…more life, money or is it simply easier to focus on the there and then instead of the here and now. a future me seems more calm, a bit more healthy and those problems nipping at my heels will all vanish. but a me of today finds time squandered, going back to checking news sites and wasting my resources at hand. like money in a savings account, my time alloted is doing nothing but providing me a tomorrow that perhaps ends up squandered as well. if it’s so precious, this here and now, why isn’t everyday grabbed by the horns and celebrated as a gift? why want more of everything if what I have on my plate is already too much?