If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.

-Herman Hesse

There is something in the air, something in the mood and conversation that seems a bit more sinister, a bit more scary then before. cameras are everywhere, and dialogue, among friends, a bit more restrained. the modern day surroundings has entered into another cycle, another phase that I have yet to grasp and I wonder if it will simply pass of if this is simply the new norm. It makes me question my actions and who might take them into account should accusations come. this is reality, when you are accused, when the light is shone on you, it is your defence and innocence that you have to prove. assumptions can be completely wrong, simply the label is enough to convict. it is so thin this ice we stand on, the calm and collective safety we all have can be broken and shattered so easily. all the work, the years and the back and forth, the trust and the energy, so simply it could all just fall apart. 
and the consequence of doing nothing….the actuality is what is there to lose. this stuff that is piling up is simply objects, it can be replaced. the friends and family, will stand by your side if they are your friends and family. right?
your health might even improve. think of the upside. a theme will be created, a story you can pass along instead of metaphors. a situation will surround you that will not so easily be forgotten. 
its simply not fair. the cards were dealt before we even had a chance to sit at the table. the problem comes with the judges and the jury. these peers are not that group, the collective grouping of people is the scariest of audiences, in particular if they are being fed a narrative by a chorus of superiors and judges that could also cause them trouble. fairness is impossible in this court, as in all courts, it is why things are always settled outside of them. and don’t expect any help from the higher ups, the politicians or the corporations, each side is protecting themselves, their interest and their position, the fear they have in defending someone they do not know in a fight that is not theirs is too much for them to risk. capital might get you their attention and a possible ear, but that too will be forgotten should any request be extended beyond advice. 
on your own, on your own.
so they will take it all away, but whatever they do, don’t throw me into that brier patch