our habits. things we keep going back to that solve a temporary problem but also create places of languish. they cause us to repeat things that are not healthy, like watching tv after a long day or drinking to relax, creating various reflexes to actions that become almost subconscious. in that time, our reasoning for these habits help us avoid the painful choices of changing them. change is hard, habits become easy. but everything easy today becomes hard tomorrow.

chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.

warren buffet

the conflict of knowing this fact and ignoring it is one of the tricks our minds allow us to play. I know the box of cookies is no good, the drinks will cause me headaches and putting off the pulling of weeds will choke my vegetables, yet I continue to go about it for the possibility of an easier today. we ignore the consequences in order to placate our minds, we look away and ignore the obvious to simply get to a state of relaxation. knowing all well that the quick fix will break, we go there anyway. we are a world of quick fixes, one off flatware and disposable diapers, we build things no longer to last but that will make do. our ease for today will punish us tomorrow.

with content at full capacity we end up producing countless objects and actions instead of something of greatness and gratitude. hundreds of digital photos later we barely have time to go back to simple edits. within these races are our habits. checking phone messages, reacting to the news cycles, eating poorly and sitting down too long. its not all bad, and changing them is easy once you yearn for it. i am trying to turn the car around. to drink less, eat right, exercise more and also to write in happier notes. its tough, the bad seems to flow when I sit at the keyboard, just like doughnuts are so easy going down. but if i do not change and address my habits, a darker picture awaits. a reflection i dare not address now but can see in the tea leaves that scatter as i go about my day. apples and oranges, juice and tea, tucking my belly in and keeping my head up. i know the habits i need to make, we all do, but it only matters if we have the will to make them.