do we need it? do we need the stories, the hidden hand of one above to remind us of the rules that forge us together and make us behave better then our cousins the apes? it has helped and hurt many people over the course of time. in case you had no family to teach you right or wrong, the bible was meant to take its place in teaching you manners. stranded alone in the quiet countryside, it was meant to replace the law. no need to worry about a large oaf coming for your lamb and lady, you have the fear of god to scare him off with.

unfortunately it had to do two things, if it was going to strike you down for being bad in this life, it also had to offer you something in a later one. and this fact that we can all be forgiven, or that something greater lies in another side is what made it so wrong at the same time. like everything, it has its two sides. and its truths remain difficult to grapple with. i think of the things that go wrong in life and wonder if there was some ethical ideals that lead me astray. there is much good in the book i know, but also such fallacy and age since its appearance that leads me to thing we have gone beyond its need.

a series of lectures are available where possibly two of the best philosophers of our time argue the merit of these reasons and debates. If you have some time, I recommend you give it a listen. like most things, you might not be swayed too much one way or the other. as a wise person once said…mans biggest failure is the inability to realise there is another side. and in these conversations, both sides of the coin sometimes comes up correct. dont be afraid to be swayed from one side to the other, they are both good places to be as long as you know the rules.