sara-x on christmas. 

the sun comes out, the sun goes in. warmth on one day, colder the other. on its course, the tree changes to adapt. the leaves on the branches stretch out on one day to capture the rays, on the next they droop together, keeping warmth and energy for the day the sun comes back. in its breaks, energy is moved to other parts, taking in water or building a stronger foundation with its roots. growth until it cannot grow any longer. over and over, season upon season the story goes on. alone in the forest, it cares not what the other trees are doing, but goes along and carries its own story to fruition.

we also do similar acts in our development. saving money (energy) and working on our own foundations with education, homes, friends and family. when the sun shines, we do what we can to take in the energy, basking and smiling in it all. when friends and family gather during these holidays we rejoice, fight and dance with each other in an annual event that also builds up our foundations. extensions of one another, we carry forward missions that are as individual as each of our persons are but universal in the fact that we all want growth and longevity, health and happiness. pursuits that are justified and pursued with blind ambition since our beginnings.

if the food does not taste well, spit it out. trust your instincts and follow your feelings. this will put you on a path that you will understand and accept. think less about what and why, simply do. or don’t. its the same, either way as long as it is your choice, the conclusion you will be content with. get out when the sun shines, save for rainy days and at the end of it all, please enjoy.

-Happiness, sadness, loss and gain all pass away. What they do to us is what remains.

Yasmin Mogahed.