meanwhile, the sun has risen and set a few times. progress has been minimal in the past few months, had plenty of messages and a constant barrage of bad news for a new project that I had planned to move along relatively smoothly. this was a mistake.

seems each time that something go smoothly a problem will eventually arise. things go well, too well and you wonder when it will fall apart of when you will. our bodies come across this time to time, we can be fit and sound and then a virus, a sprain or something totally out of the blue comes and ruins the day. it is why you should never feel envious of others, for you do not know the pain or suffering that they are probably experiencing. it is also why one can never get too content, or off-guard, as something will come along and bring the struggle back to reality.

good times overcoming the bad. this is one of the principals to learn. to enjoy the downside, the mess and the problems. a very painful lesson. but since life is full of the later, it is best to enjoy the decent as much as the climb up.