the most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.

andy warhol

work hard. make as much money as possible and then go buy a house, with a great big wall in your living room. then purchase an abstract painting from a well known gallery and hang the canvas in the center of your dwelling for others to see. forget that it was drawn by a man slowly losing his mind who was living in abject poverty due to the fact his psychosis kept him locked in a large abandoned factory scribbling thoughts onto paintings. this is not what you should see. instead see the meaning behind it all that the curator of the gallery convinced you is being brought out in the picture. the more abstract or cutting edge the better, if the artist killed himself or died young it will make it even more sought after and obscure. only you deserve such a piece.

then go out and buy a large piece of jewlery whose centerpiece was found deep within a cave somewhere, by someone so poor and battered that he cannot go home to see his family or need any bit of sun or nutrients to carry on. ideally in a third-world country where there are no environmental laws that would get in the way of tearing up the mountains in the first place or rules in place for how many hours the miners can spend underground. the harder and shinier the better, those are the ones that are hard to get, these are the ones that will truly catch the light and create the jealousy in her girlfriends that she will truly love you for.

now go out and buy a dozen donuts. ideally newly coated in hot sugar. the hotter the oil the better to fry the dough, this will help clog your veins but will taste amazing going down. consume them, for the time is yours, forget about any repercussions that might result in such a display of debauchery. the more sugar the better, wash it down with a fifth of liquor that will numb the brain and let you forget for the time being. consume hard with little regard for the coming tomorrow, just like all the effort and time wasted for material objects that keeps us busy as the world unfolds in all its magnificence for us to ignore.