to not listen to the other side, no matter what they are saying is a fault we are currently experiencing as people. both sides are at a stand-still, you are either with them or against them. there is no dialogue, no compromise, and with this we all suffer. like a couple who reach a point in their relationship where nothing else can be moved forward, the couple breaks down and divorce sets in. but how can a nation divorce with itself? what does it look like when you have two sides in a single place trying to divide their allegiances and loyalties along with their morals? what is happening is separation, among friends and family and among communities. a them or us mentality that reaches its zenith online, where people can hide behind masked identities and lash out at their imagined enemies.

we dig in with our feet and refuse to even consider the other side. one of man’s biggest fault is the failure to consider the other side. the inability to wear the shoes of the other man, the see from a different perspective. it is hard for everyone, once this is understood and accepted each party can come to the level of the other person in the situation. and to give is blissful, to allow the other side to win a little, if done right it is a joy to let the others win a bit.

if you cause others to experience the joy of winning, happiness will find its way to you. if you throw bird seed on the ground and the birds group, you have won. let the arguments make their way into your world, at a minimum if they do not affect you negatively let them win. absorb the blows. go with the current. the world will get easier, the other side will get softer and life will continue as it has, without any fights holding your down or occupying your mind.

next year ill go….