the greatest threat to mankind is mankind.

josh lindenbaum-

a story where the bad guys lose and the good prevail. its the theme in the books and movies we grew up watching. its what we hope will prevail as we sail into the future, when we put our heads on our pillows at night, when we awake and venture into the world. we want our version of good to win. in reality those choices and winners are all over the place, as we all have our favorites, we all have our perspective, we all have our good guy.

as i sit on the other side of the world i grew up in, the country i now call home is saber rattling with my homeland. the news organizations i have grown to rely on are fighting among each other and a mixture of animosity is everywhere i care to look. in between it all the weather keeps changing, harder winters and hotter summers, just the right amount of instability to get us all off kilter. for if the wars are to kick off we need the weather to match.

discontent is the base of what drives us to improve. deterioration is automatic, we are always improving or falling apart. it is in picking ourselves up, righting the rights, and improving the relations where gains are made. its best to remember one of mans biggest problems, the failure to see the other side. it is what is keeping most of us blind to the tragedies we keep falling into. we all have our perspectives, our winners and losers, best not to stand too far in our own sides to not see the other. they are right around the other side of everything we tell ourselves we stand for.