we are being inundated with information. in all forms and fronts, we are being buried in it. we wake up to its daily headlines, highlighted in our news feeds and forced into our lives. scrolls of information, tailored to our taste, choking us until we cannot take any more of it. from that information we then plug in our own. update our loved ones and check our finances, track our steps and then photograph it. picture everything. it does not happen unless we do not take that photo, multiple photos, then upload it, label it. lament about it, then take more.

information is not knowledge.

albert einstein

there is a part of the bible i think back to that bothers me in todays information age. it was when adam and eve were warned to stay away from the tree of knowledge. that they could enjoy the garden of eden at will, but to stay away from that tree and most importantly to not eat from it. Of course, like everything, adam and eve fell, immediately saw they were nude, and were ushered from the garden. The apple symbolized evil, eating from it was the mixture of the two. why it was planted there is besides the point, it was that we ate it, mixed the two, where it all began to fall apart. but it also represents this insatiable appetite for what we dont know, for more, for eating this information.

for in todays media along with the poranacopia of the web, we are coated in a mixture of good and evil. with many of us without a compass to navigate the mess, our anxiety rises and content becomes further to grasp. now that the filters are off and there is no other garden to throw us from, we have started tearing apart our own garden. arsonist burn our forrest while floodwaters and storms rage. our phones keep buzzing, our own defense system used against us in our drive for attention. in our fear of loneliness we disclose to the unknown our location, our favorite game and all of our friends and family. the game is on us, played by a few who know better but cant help their own greed and rage. they know what we cant help ourselves from and have found a way to force feed it to us.