brother and I, huangshann, china. 2016
People get so emotional and take games so serious. Knowing that it is a game does not lessen peoples intensity, people take things way too serious most times. I don’t meant to downplay the importance of games but I think when you take anything too serious you start to bring on anxiety and fret and all the other things that come with being scared of the outcome. Once again, it is a game, whether sports or an argument, too understand this and to accept both outcomes allows one to enjoy it more. 

smiling goes a long way. when you nod to person you see waking down the street chances are high they will nod back. when asking a stranger for a favour, such as directions or to help you out from a problem it helps if you appear happy when you do it. it resonates even when speaking on a phone, the person on the other line can feel it in a way. 

laughing and crying are also great emotions to try and capture. we get older and tend do it less, but if you take yourself a little less serious you can find yourself laughing out-loud at times. it is a great feeling, to laugh. to cry is also plasant to get choked up a bit. any feeling that is strong. not too often, but from time to time.