its both joy and sadness we encounter each day. moods swinging with our appetite. both sides in constant flow as we go about encountering things we can and cannot have. friends we would love to play with but are caught up in work, in family or in debt. we explore ideas and occasionally go out of bounds, but for the most part we stay in a balance that we have little control over. Our bodies and minds put us into the balance, it tells us and shows us when we have had too much of one thing or too little of another.

the effort that we have collectively done to subvert the world into a playground for us all. the glass towers we have built, the cold drinks in the summer time, the floating boats and soaring planes. among it all we have the internet, a playground where we can all come together to share, trade, interact or simply witness us at play. we can record it all forever, or hide in obscurity.

but to enjoy and feel something comes with the reminder that we will lose it as well. each step in one direction will requite a step back. each moment you love something, someone, you also must face the fact that a loss of that one or soul or object will go as well. on and off. infinitely.