a brief of todays thoughts.

body i.

following a safe and tested model i go about my day pulling levers and pushing buttons. a path that i have created that catches plenty of food for the family, i know how to lay the traps and when to check them. many of us do. a self sustaining system has been created, where we trade one another services or products and now pay in a digital currency you no longer see and hold. numbers and stories take place, salaried workers doing their best to represent capital or companies. we are all trying to weave the straw into gold, giving it our best and trading shells in the meantime to settle into.

we tailor to the masses, spend effort and time doing the things we never really wanted, spending our free time in ways that might feel safe but are the reasons we tend to give it all up at the end. there is plenty of mass but nothing of meaning. all fluff. wake up, work, feed the young, care for the old, manage the yard and make sure to clean up after yourself.

at its core we are simply the product of an earth and its evolution. a more sophisticated eukaryote, bacteria or archaea. we go about leaching onto others or creating our own mass. we clump together, in tribes and produce sophisticated homes and habitats. we find a goal and repeat it over and over again, we try to ward off rot and bury our byproducts, we plant and produce food for ourselves and others, we ferry along passageways and focus on the local areas we live in. we are the system that has created us. full of elements and energy of the ball spinning in the universe, heated by the sun and cooled by the darkness.

1 Comment
  1. Ken Aaron

    December 13, 2020 6:04 am

    I think this is very good — almost as pleasant and friendly as Morgan
    uncle remus

    oh – a friend of mine came up with an interesting meme:
    Moving the deck chairs from one side of the ship to the other,
    Will not right the Ship of State. JVOLLBRECHT

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