look backwards and count the mistakes but dont overlook the blessings. how you made it through most problems, how the wounds-physically and mentally healed. how you got over the hump, worked up the courage or jumped into the waters. its amazing how time flows, almost backwards when you think back.

anticipating tomorrow you could expect a bit of yesterday. setbacks, storms and hiccups in an otherwise normal existence. perhaps a bit richer or poorer, more or less famous, things are probably going to remain much the same. variations will arrive if you take risk, people will come and go, but like experiences they will all start to fade. so will your ego. this idea you have of yourself, your place and your role. you might fall in love again, a new nemesis could come into play. but seasons will continue to come, and patterns, habits and comforts will stay the same.

here today, now is everything. is there a silver lining you can find? can you manage to smile? start with if you are hungry then eat. choose a path you will remember, do something that scares you and remember that the time gone is etched in your history. do something you have always said you wanted to do, perhaps you will love it and want to do it more. find a star you want to wish on and marvel at the fact that you can get quite close to it. cut down on the things that bother you, the people you dont like. be willing to risk it all, it doesnt matter, more is waiting. or less, but it is all a matter of perspective?

lyrics below. great song to get lost in.

“Now That I Know”

Now that I know The way it goes You gotta pay back every penny that you owe.

Twelve years old In your mama’s clothes Shut the blinds and lock up every door And if you hear Someone’s comin near Just close your eyes and make them disappear now

Years away Finds me here today On my own, always on my way now So I send my friends Gifts from where I’ve been Something for the hand they’re never there to lend

Better keep those eyes Climbing paradise And don’t pretend you won’t reach it in the end now

Dearest dear I know you been here Why’d you run tell me why’d you disappear now That you’re not Here with me Seems to be the only time that I can see you clearly I may not know How to treat or give you what you need But I am a gentleman who says what he means now

And now I sing Upon my knees And praise the kindness of a gentle breeze I see it swell Like a story in me to tell Told years away and past my baby dying So you raise them up To heaven always hell they’re unaware, share, give a hand to help son Oh you give them away But they’ll come back to you someday Wanna know why nobody was ever there to help them And no it ain’t fair And if God forbid you care It’s enough to get you in a whole lotta trouble Oh realize It ain’t wise to idealize Or put your life in the hands of any struggle

Never renounce Or ever claim to be And never buy that freedom just ain’t free now Ella sang Sifting in the sand Like a hymn within to help us understand Heaven awaits We’re making our stand Glory bound and sparrow in our hand.