the media likes to fan the flames. dont they know its all fun and games until someone gets hurt. and what will we replace this with? who takes the trash out when all this is over? who makes sure the milk gets to the market, that there is a market at all? these questions are paramount at the time the fires are started, but they are no concern to the disenfranchised, to the ones who have been left out pushed down and cast out. they were not going to get milk in the morning, their rents were not going to get paid and there was no bright future waiting after the sun comes out.

we have a society where tiers are created and we work on ways to climb up these ladders. unfortunately the ladders have been harder to come across and the sky has continued to rise. we also have a leader who brags about cheating on his taxes, rips up promises and acts like an animal, it is no wonder our nation has fallen into chaos. where debt plagues the majority, small disturbance has caused the whole foundation to shake. we are animals, kept in line with ideas of fairness and historical stories of the bible, when we realize those were imaginary all hell breaks loose.

time will heal. we will find our way back to the start, our tails not far from our heads and in circles we will go again. nobody wants what is waiting for us if it all really breaks down. our kids will settle, our debts will get squared away and we will get back to work. our foolish attempt at anarchy will pass, our energy will have vanished. we will get back in line, go about our days and forget this ever happened. it is all fleeting. it is all temporary. thankful for this.