If not in the moment, then where do you propose to live…


chinese class and an hour with a personal trainer was enough torture for today. with no alcohol to celebrate, i spent my down time taking a nap and watching videos on the vast internet. I flipped through a book, called some friends and wandered the neighborhood. spent time on some proposals for projects coming down the pipeline at work and contemplated going to see the super bowl tomorrow. one of the few sporting events I try to partake in mainly for the commercials. the AI have yet to take over, we have all the modern amenities one needs and there is little left to do rather then repeat what has been working.

as our bodies change, and age, so do the homes we live in, the clothes fray and the relationships we have managed to keep also come apart. its hard to keep it all together, and we probably are not supposed to. there a point in the woods where the younger spruces await a taller pine to tumble, then they shoot up to get as much sunshine as possible. a circle of life and opportunities taken so naturally, we are no different. the young are the opportunity takers since the elders are too tired and too slow to grasp the next steps.

its hard to tell if ignorance truly is blissful. for when you look for that bliss you become awoken to so much more. and you cant fake it, well not for long. so we go about our days in whatever ways we can, trying to grasp if we are the ones doing the breathing or if it solely happening on its own. did i come up with the idea to quit this and start that? I cannot tell any longer. the randomness of my thoughts has merged with the randomness of the world and all i can do is sit back and watch it and at times participate in its beautiful and abstract harmony.