so much time effort keeping the self-entertained, spent trying to make money, spent finding our purpose. we not only have to figure out how we will make a living, we also have to come up with a skill set and hobby on the side. then how to deal with all of the baggage we acquire and when to pull out the shuffle. how to acquire wealth and then how to spend it. we have to work out who we are going to spend our lives with, who is our family and our friends then those have to agree to spend their life with us. along this path we have to try to enjoy it, let others know we were having a good time and making sure we clean up our surroundings and ourselves along the way.

how along this complex set of task can we not make mistakes, have set backs, feel like a failure…how is it possible without lowering some imaginary bar do we ever get to the finish line and feel any ounce of achievement. we cant, so one trick is to embrace the failure. lean into the fall, the fallacy the shit that your in. if we can make the most with our limited gifts, laugh at our own jokes and be amused at the circumstances your in..well you have won. well temporary, since crowning a victory to your setbacks and failures makes you seem like a loser, and can only feel good for a short while, till you make a better mistake or less of a mistake.

fail, fail, fail better. its an adage that we can pin on our lapel as we go about trying to improve the hand we are dealt. putting lipstick on a pig, making lemonade with our lemons, for what else is one to do other then wallow in self pity? its our life, we have little choice and when it starts or where it ends, but we can go about it in our own ways and be fine with it. and talk to our friends and family and make the best of something out of nothing. we can make moves and motions on the sandy beach and wait for the waves to come in and wash over it, then do it again for an unfixed amount of time whose moments will eventually erase even in our own memory.