if an economy is suffering, and all the people in it start to suffer is this an example of our environment or us in the wrong place or the wrong time? as fires rage on doorsteps in california, wars in syria, riots in hong kong, is it the destiny of those in that zone to fall with the areas and what does that say of mans effort to do his best to avoid. if you work your whole life and create a great plan for a store, and it opens during a downturn and you fail then who is there to blame? are we simply dominos waiting to be pushed over or is there some sort mechanism that can get us out of the way that we should heed?

just like we should not pat ourselves on our back for accomplishments, our mistakes and achievements are all luck and timing. who you were born too and with what. those people you pass on the street did not aim for that, the world and the choices they made from circumstances have ended them there. like the fire victims, they were caught in a storm. as our the people waving your car through traffic, the woman making your coffee, your mother and father, all guessing at a reactionary world. pretending they have knowledge and skill…forgetting they are on a fiery ball spinning through space.

i am a product of a time, culture and place. i watched my parents behave in a way, i mimic and assimilate with my surrounding. i am like everyone around me semi-aware of a myself in time and space and pretending im making choices, typing word, breathing on my own. like a seed growing up, i look for warmth, need water, react to pain and anticipate winter. leaves shed when time tells it too. hoping the fire does not come my way, i will do little if it does but react in the way all the others will, with scream and tears. if it is put out by some grace i will celebrate but be cautious of the future.