selling snake oil

its the moments in between. it is everything it is not. it is when you are not present. these are the moments to cherish. it is not the notes of the music but the pauses in between. not the kiss but the moment leading up to it. not the gift but the anticipation of it. sleep we forget, but the time as we are approaching it, or coming out of it is the most enjoyable. so the saying goes, it is when you are wandering between two destinations, whistling to yourself that matter most. if you think back, some of the greatest memories are found in the lulls between two events.


i think, therefore I am. it is what distinguishes our experiences and makes us human. we go about our days with an idea of self-consciousness, like we are inside our heads and our bodies are simply this confine in which we experience the world. we fear pain, we try to conquer our surroundings and pretend that we did not come from this earth but are simply on top of it. we have formed mass societies, where we exchange a series of numbers among each other and keep ever busy in a complicated race that goes in circles. we create ideas and products and do our best to live in harmony. we smile and we cry, we fear and we do not, we imagine and exist in what can only be described as an imagination. we do this for our lives, in each individual person a different experience of good and bad. multiple movies taking place simultaneously, with different actors and action in each one. as complex as the universe and as simple as a single celled amoeba, we are everything and nothing at the same time, but most importantly, we are everything in between.