if the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.

william blake

a morning again. time to eat, then to do some reading of my phone. had anyone reached out to me, messaged me, exerted the effort to send a message? had i before that? a friend or family members name pop into my mind, a text or short letter sent off to them. a digital bump. then back to my day. a book that i think i should finish, then there is the homework, not to mention the planning of the day ahead of me. the following month, the presents that i need to buy on the holidays that come towards me. the taxes, the mail, the bills these are all what occupy part of the day.

the other part is trying to pursue pleasure or avoid pain. keeping those text to relationships and fixing the problems at work and home and on the body help. like a farmer tending to his plot of land, i navigate my own sense of being, my economic state, the state of my surroundings. my neighborhood, i check the news and wonder if the world is doing ok, i do this same test when i review my portfolio, i try to do this as i walk along the street. i look into the peoples eyes, just as i examine the storefronts around me, are they doing well, are they filled with energy or are they dying?

it seems ok. perspective and lowering the bar helps. there is nothing that wrong going on. and if it is, it was meant to be. enjoyment or at least a relaxation will follow. tensions build up till they snap. a good day can only come from a knowledge that a bad day had been before this. hard objects are defined by softness. it will all be fine. it is amazing to be aware of certain things, to see them and let them go. so temporary it all is, yet at the time of it happening so permanent it appears.

my favorite nonsense