what we have once enjoyed we can never lose.

helen keller-

he flew away. in some form or another it will all eventually all fly away. everything we have done will break away and fall back to earth. all our belongings scattered throughout, disintegrating into pieces so small they will be indistinguishable from the dirt and refuse that surrounds it. Our love and hate will also vanish, becoming like the thoughts in your mind for there is no shelf for them to land on. we are but snowflakes melting in the sun, each individual but also incidental.

today it all seems so real and solid, but as time goes on they are just faint memories that are also scattering and becoming harder to grasp onto. everything so fleeting. i think of where it all goes to and what it was for. it seems like it was for me. for who else participates in my random collections, my yearning or ability to observe and partake in the randomness in it all? participants have come in and out, but it is only i, or you, that sits front and center for the whole act. Open your closet or simply your eyes and observe the set laid out before you. your stage to dance or frown in, each person coming in from stage left or right, food to keep you alive for it all and medicine to keep you at your best while you sing and dance for you and those that happen to sit at your table.

i think of the characters that got away. ventured off-stage or flew off the set in a flurry of unbridled control. in their own worlds, no longer part of mine. i know it goes on, albeit without me as a character. another snowflake avoiding the sun at all cost. as individual as individuality comes. fending off the bad while trying to summon the good. hardly individual for its fate lies with all us others. to return to the earth, to the ground where we all sprung from, a momentary bolt of energy encompassing all there is in the vast world we come from. i comfort though with the momentary fact that i was able to enjoy the time spent, for whatever it was worth.