a brief of todays thoughts.


In the daytime I try to find purpose in the projects I work on. With employees who expect me to keep the circus going, the show has been going and going, I must keep the lights on. 

All around a world awakes and shakes at a population of its own creation, man was created and not handed a roadmap other then to survive and thrive. Taken from the ground we erect cities and plant fields while domesticating the animals while trying not to tear each other apart. 

Its hard to watch a wildlife show and not feel some empathy for the things that go on. Animal are cruel, people as well. are we supposed to be much better, better then the animals in the wildlife shows where lions kill the cubs of their competition and baby birds push others out of the nest.

 cuckoo can dart into an unattended nest, snatch up an egg, lay a close copy and be gone within 10 seconds. After hatching, some cuckoo chicks (though not the great spotted) instinctively shove their foster siblings and remaining eggs out of the nest, so as to have all the food to themselves.

National Wildlife Federationhttps://www.nwf.org › Magazines › Bullies-of-the-Bird-…


The days come. 

One following another.

And so do the choices.

To be good or bad. Now or later.  Hard choices when you consider. At times, no choice at all.

told to keep my eyes to the road Im on. Looking for trouble . A city is full of opportunities to fall. 

Takers on every corner, setting up shop to take your time and money. 

Above the sun shines, I change my mind and move on.  Home awaits a weary traveler.

Stirred awake by my memories of things that went on, I arise to a throbbing headache. 

Both imaginary and real, for the Ying and Yang are equal, and it will all come at a cost. 

Unaware if the choices are of our making, we react to a world that surrounds us.  We fight atrophy and decay, but it holds the same strength as gravity on us. 


Regardless of how you feel, the sun still rises. The days keep coming.

Until they don’t. 

1 Comment
  1. Marky mark

    January 2, 2024 11:47 am

    Yes Brent we all expect the circus to go on

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