Its raining and the tape is peeling away. In a way, this metaphor is you while you sit here judging and angling your perception, pushing the corners down and promising to stay dry. Insisting on straight lines in an otherly curving world we find our purposeless life littered with tasks of infinite futility armed with a finite amount of resources and time. Chasing a life we imagine with little contemplation for what that might hold, we react and pause, we collect and save, we conquer and hold and then leave it all in our wake. 

If this is the last day what must be done we ask. What words need to be said and to who? Is there a task that must be performed before the breath no longer comes. What is our purpose….a boat has a purpose, an arrow when protecting or hunting has one, a farmer planting his rice and the men playing football on tv all seem to be on a quest to feed, feel and perform a given task. But ordinary men and woman in their free time, when they have filled their stomachs, when they wander the streets and head home and stare at their tv’s what is theirs?

What are we waiting for when more time is allotted, when the elderly stare into space. Staring into nothing…its what children and the old do without effort, filling a vessel with no bottom to hold anything. Giggling, crying and consuming with an abandonment and reaction with no ego or issues to get in its way. Its purposeless might be its point. The pursuit of happiness in it all, the search for wealth or meaning in it all could be the point. For those who are finished filling their mouths and banks and bodies with more and more stuff, it is the mind that waits with an endless pit to consume your efforts and will till time no longer allocates. 
