stumbling forward, we keep loading things onto our plates that we neither want nor need. filling each corner of our drawers and closet space we attack the game with a feverish delusion carefree of the wreckage left behind. anything to fill this idea of meaning and presence we grasp at goals and rearrange our collections, repeating imaginary objectives while ignoring the failing environments and relationships we had worked so hard to create. we are told to stop and think of our decisions, but no that any wavering will set us back, will remind us of what we should and should not be and will be beset by the grief and reality of regret.

so we feast. on processed food in plastic packages, we deficate it all back into the world, into the oceans and onto the land. the soil becomes paved, we trap and kill our enemies or perceived threats in droves, species that were never meant to fall suffer from collateral damages as the temperature rises and the rains slow. a reckoning awaits but that is for the next generation, like our stuff we will leave it to them to clean up, to enjoy or destroy, we do not care, or if we do we are not acting like we do.

then the sunset erupts into a magical dance of colors. sounds of birds come alive before the sun finally sets and the plants seem to flourish. the ocean is still waving as an adjustment seems to take place among it all. a feeling that it will all be ok washes over us. another day passed and the end did not come. falling into bed we awake to dreams of worlds that are also crashing together and falling apart, running in one direction or the other we are not sure where we are as our eyes come to life. a quiet morning greets us with more birds chirping and in that moment it is all ok. best to go out and partake in the sales and perhaps find another corner to start filling up with our dreams and wishes and wants.