notes to self….

in this road to happiness it is best to remember that the destination should not be the objective. if you focus too much on that, then the road there will be a waste, lost time in this chase for something we already had. also dont hold off on thinking you will get to something in the future, if you want to do something be quick. life has a way of pushing you to forget or finding obstacles that will never get you back. and stop over thinking things, they happen for many reasons. your luck, your timing, your circumstances and your surroundings. the world happening to you and then you reflect it back.

also best to be careful in these borrowed times. the friends are thinning out, the smile that could open doors has drooped and energy is no longer eternal. there is a time for everything, best to look back and smile at the accomplishments made and stop counting on things to keep working. everything breaks, grows old or overgrown, we are no different. the fade is gradual but dont think it has not already begun. practical paths for now, the future is right there, burned out light bulbs and wilted leaves.

as another winter approaches a feeling of contentment and assurance of whats to comes comforts me. i have been here, i look around and the days, months fall away in front of me. another spring awaits, another notch in a weathered book that few seem to read. sitting there on the shelf, along with so many other titles and countless new releases seamlessly following. one more squiggly line at the end of the thicker line that comes from the center where it all began.

thats me at the end.