in time we stumble. we deplete our luck and fate catches up with us. we eventually get caught for our actions, and our behavior gets the consequences that was merited. it happens to our teeth, pains pulling us from sleep, reminders of ignoring proper dental care or simply the happening of aging. it shows its head in our relationships as we spend more time yearning towards others or simply browsing a web full of smut. as aquifers deplete our cheating in farming is coming quickly to haunt the further generations.

the pain is real. the same things that cause us pleasure also leads to pain. when one obtains something you love…an object or a person, the eventual loss or deterioration creates a unique pain that is somewhat equal to the feeling of obtaining it in the fist place. the sense of loss reflecting a similar joy of finding someone or something along our journey. this balance keeps the world even, keeps creation and loss in harmony. a medium is found. unless one cheated along the way.

there are not shortcuts in life, only those we imagine.

frank leahry

cheating also works its way out. too quick a high eventually leads to some sort of withdrawal, shortcuts on building with result in eventual cracks in a foundation. a wise man once said that it takes the same time to do something right then wrong, and the time was made up in the fixes later on. all roads eventually make it to the same place, so simply meander a bit more while others might allow others to wait at the end longer. waste and wonder along the way the whole time.