when tragedy strikes, when leaves start falling off their branches, it is ones response to it that will frame the mood. a falling apart world or falling tree in the woods is only recognizable if you are there to witness it, if you are also coming apart. it comes from within. a small animal that falls prey to something larger is suffering as much as the one tearing it apart is celebrating. the truth is if you are good, the world is good, if at angst….

so as things come apart and come together, a phenomenon that is constantly happening, look at the person framing the picture. are they suffering? is something else behind the meaning. it is hot out there, but there is also shade. our world will work itself out, leave the fighting to those with the energy to waste lets sit above and below and hover. for a sprained ankle will make anyone suffer while ice cream or finding something lost will bring joy to all.

by helping, with empathy through finding ways for others not suffer so much we play on this spectrum. let them see the world for what it is. then we get out of our own heads, our own endless attempt to better ourselves, to fight time and decay. its why we are told to smile, to hold our tongue if nothing good to say, the world is balanced, it is best to tilt it where is needed. bring up the sad, calm down the cheers, bring everything to the center. balance. balance.