it is imperative to stop what your doing. look around a bit, so at least you can watch the dominos fall. as the world braces for the fallout, the shutting down of borders, shops, interaction is the first of what will be awful decisions to avoid a contagion that we are all bound to eventually catch. as the momentum gains speed, our inability to act within reason will cause all sorts of irrational and irrevocable choices we will make that will bump into one another, causing a cluster fuck of a mess. if you look at it from the right angle is all quite humorous. but only at the line where humor hits tragedy.

its what we do. we mess things up, we create problems for ourselves and work out ways that we can justify them and fix them. we overindulge then diet, we build homes that are way too big to take care of, then spend our free time fixing them and makings sure our tax man does not value them at their worth. we host huge elaborate weddings, only to end in bitter divorces years later. in the richest nation in the world, we spend more time working then most anyone else while maintaining a huge amount of debt due to our indulgence in objects. rich but poor, were given everything and squander it all, we become comfortable and wish for hardship. a land of hypocrisy, we want out cake and insist on eating it too.

we brought sickness to multiple nations. we track dirt into other houses and infringe on people’s space, we are the infectious disease. the plastic pieces on the oceans are our gift to the white sandy beaches. we cough into our sky and spit into the ground. this world produced us, we came from it and are part of it. we have every right to squander and make a mess of things, it is our house of cards to knock down. it will be tough though, as we are learning, this world has some weapons of its own it will start to throw at us to keep us in check.