death is very likely the best invention in life.


if it were your last day on earth, how would you live it? would you call certain people to say goodbye, to hear their voice once more or would you drink, drug, go ballistic….perhaps first spend time on your family and some close friends. tell them how much they mean, to thank or curse them for bringing you here. for listening to you. your own blood, the ones that care the most for you. would you do any of these or would you ball up, fret about wasting each precious moment, masturbate, seize the day…

perhaps you would go about giving your money and stuff away. for you cant take it with you. watching the happiness of strangers and friends would be a nice way to exit. but perhaps nobody wants your items, your ceramic mug, your used ipod. but your money they will take. everybody loves money. or perhaps you sit down to write something to preserve the way you feel. to tell your loved ones, your child, what you have learned. Do you know what you would say and how to say it? its hard, to boil it down to one page, to try to fill one page, but best to get it out. for to leave nothing would be for it all to go to waste. for nothing.

i tend to think about what it was about. all the pressure, noise, laughter and connections. the journey, the destinations. it could have gone so many different ways, ended up with so many other people, endings, opportunities. but it unfolded the way it is now. the way it was supposed to be. random, wonderful, hard to sum up and put down on paper.