the days pass and time blends. i pause, a temporary stop in a life where meaning keeps changing. will it matter to anyone if it does not matter to me? i do my best to create a mark, a dent in it. all around me others swimming, going about their days, their own melody carrying them downstream. i float alongside, neither here nor there, in between the sheets of life, hidden in plain sight.

i keep adjusting the pictures. moving furniture around in order to create the perfect blend. writing the same things and wondering if taken from me again will life hold more meaning? just like the grass always greener, the things we hold in our hands we are quick to dismiss, constantly wanting to occupy the areas we have yet to hold. the trick is to not think about it, there is no pink elephant and no exact point. get to the yard work and put your nose back in the book. school is back in session.

towards the end you look back. you notice the paths taken, the collected memories stored in a drawer in your bedroom, trinkets that mean very little to anyone. bookshelves filled with moments you pulled them from other shelves, clothes awaiting disposal, your loved ones close around but most already gone. memories slipping and new ones not taking hold, blankets of snow covering any trace of your being. left in its wake, life in its broad spectrum leaves little to remember you by.