so we play the game. we are taught it as children, although many of us were distracted by angry parents, untalented teachers and a society that was shaping our thoughts. either way, we learned to bounce the ball.
the game rules changed, as they do when the people that make the rules start creating their own version of the game. we adapt, or lose, either way we still show up to play. mainly because that is what we have been doing all along and we are creatures of comfort and inertia is something hard to stop, but primarily because we like to play games.

from a cool website where you can make your own quotes, granted i did not nor do not know if it cost money or needs your personal information, but want to give credit.

we play so many, word games, career games, health regimes and activity games. we get better at some, quit at others and repeatedly get beaten at others. we keep showing up, trying to learn how to play better or sit on the side line and watch others play while we root for our teams. 
over and over. until we have no energy left. then we leave the game and play dead.

*give the video above some time, it takes a while to resonate the absurdity.