the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.


its best to get out of ones head. too much time lingering on oneself leads to a myriad of emotions and problems. as social animals, one way to escape is by helping others. by swinging to another tree and playing with another primate you can escape your own worries. Lending an ear, money, energy, time…all of these can be brought over to another in need. And we all have needs. From the young to the old, rich to the poor, each of us is going through a bit of struggle here. If its not physical and emotional it might be found in their relationship woes or their situational mess that from time to time we all find ourselves in. do not linger too long though, for yourself does not want to get pulled down, but assist.

imagine you had the chance to rescue a drowning child. think of how good this would make you feel, it might define the rest of your life. it would probably be one of the greatest things you could do here on earth. now extend this feeling of saving to listening more attentively to others, to donating to a good cause or simply by picking up trash on your way to work. take time out of your own schedule, or money out of your wallet, and spend it somewhere or one someone that needs it.

the bit taken away will not affect you much. after a certain point we can feel we have had enough. the extra capacity will be much appreciated elsewhere. your sphere will expand and for a few moments, you will forget the self. your own issues, fears and circumstances will pale in comparison to the issues facing others. the expansion is wide out there, and there are some deep in the shadows, very far in holes that they were thrust upon, no one but themselves to assist. there is garbage waiting to find the cans, children searching for parents and souls lost. if you look.